Style Me N'Vyd Academy




Style Me N’Vyd is a 6-week style coaching program that helps women get a full understanding on who they currently are, who they desire to be, and the steps it takes to rise to the elevated version of yourself through self and style development. During our time together, I work closely with you to help you gain clarity on your style personality, fashion needs, and style goals. And will ultimately hold your hand as you learn to shop with purpose. The Results? A life changing experience that will shift your mind, style, and confidence.

Does your current style correlate with the life, professional role, and as the elevated version of yourself?

With this 6-week coaching program there will be no more:

 Second guessing who you are.

What you should wear as the elevated woman you desire to be

Feeling overwhelmed and unaccomplished when shopping


  • Week 1 – The Blueprint
    • With an in-depth conversation and activity with yourself and the Stylist  This week we will look at where you currently are in style/fashion and work on a roadmap that will take you to where you desire to be, effortlessly.
  • Week 2- Let’s Get Clear
    • This week we will focus on life and style goals and how to correlate the two effortlessly. When clarity beings there will be a need to de-clutter. Let’s get rid of the items in your closet that no longer serves you or is sitting in your closet with no real purpose.
  • Week 3 –Strategic Shopping
    • This week we will focus on education in the following areas: body type, clothing budget, personal style and what it looks like to shop with purpose.


  • Week 4&5- Personal Style Development
    • Now that you have removed things that no longer serves you and your closet you will now go over what it looks like (intentionally) showing up as the woman you desire to be. Over the course of the next two weeks you will dig deep into the power of habit and routine and how it effects your style (choices).
  • Week 6 –The Arrival-Elevated and N’Vyd
    • This is the final week of the 6-week coaching program.
    • You now have the blueprint for your success, in every area; attitude, style and faith, and the necessary items in your closet. You are now confidentially showing up as the ELEVATED version of YOU!


The Closing-
