Meet the Owner
I’m Naomi. I’m known across social media as the Style Connoisseur.
I’m a beauty professional of more than 15 years, a professionally
trained Style Coach and Personal Stylist and THEE very proud owner of THIS boutique- N’Vyd Style! I’m a lover of Christ, a professional businesswoman, and a person that’s been deemed as one who has “style like none other”.
No, seriously, I am. You can read it here:http://www.epatoday.org/fall_2019/epa_today_fall%202019.pdf (see page 11)
After spending 20+ years in the corporate world, I decided to eat,
sleep, and breathe in the very thing that sets my heart on fire. What is
that you ask? A Personal Style Expert/Coach and Boutique Owner….and I haven’t looked back yet!
I believe that your style personality and lifestyle should mesh AND
that it shouldn’t be compromised for comfort. When I launched N’Vyd Style- an online boutique for the everyday woman, I knew that I wanted to provide looks that are cute, comfortable, affordable, and versatile.
And, that’s exactly what I did.
My clients range from professional, on-the-go women to highly sought
out Journalist and entrepreneurs. I have always believed that fashion should be fun and your personal style should reflect your personality.

Welcome to Black Friday!
It's SWEATER season!
And, what's better than an eye-catching, head-turning sweater? An eye-catching, head-turning sweater that's ON SALE!

N'Vyd Style: An EXCLUSIVE, Unique, and affordble way to STAND out!
N'Vyd Style; a brand that represents the BOSS in you!

How will YOU show up?
Your style personality is actually deeply internal. It reveals who you are in a way that is entirely unique to you while also lifting you up to be the best versions of yourself. Do you know your STYLE PERSONALITY? Which look is your favorite?